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[Vocal Rank] Beyonce

[Vocal Profile] Beyonce

Vocal Type: Coloratura (Light-Lyric) Mezzo Vocal Range: 4 octaves. F2-F6 (approx) Whistle Register: No Longest Note: 14 seconds - 'Flaws And All' (live) Vocal Good: A technical singer who has trained their voice into one of the strongest in the industry. Her incredible vocal flexibility and dexterity allows for pin-point accurate, and quick melisma that can traverse through the registers. In addition, her exceptional breath and core support means Beyonce can hold notes, vocalize long phrases and dance with little decline in vocal quality. She is also in possession of a variable vibrato that is considered one of the best in the business. She often adds this to “polish” notes and negate any shrillness that may be present. Beyonce’s lower range has increased in power and stability as she has aged (and trained). When with Destiny’s Child, the Diva’s lower range was breathy and airy, often used only as a harmonic tool [Through It with Love]. However, she is now able to hit such lows with a solid, dark and ringing timbre. The Diva’s mid-range connects seamlessly to the lower range. It is rounded, smooth, of medium weight and with a slight androgynous quality to it. Though the tone and timbre remains static here, Beyonce can increase its expressiveness by playing with other variables. For instance, in Drunk In Loveshe injects sexuality and desire into the vocal by stretching out words and playing with tempo. Contrast this to Heaven where the same tone is used but an entirely different emotion is manifested by the slow and measured delivery. The belting range is where Beyonce’s voice shines brightest. Her lower belts are full and clean with a resonant sound to them. The higher she ascends, the brighter, lighter and more feminine the voice becomes. Favoring a head-dominate mix in the fifth octave, the tone produced is crystal clear, malleable and slightly metallic. The ease with which she accesses these notes gives the range an effortless and elastic quality. Even at its extremes, the belting range remains attributable to the singer with the voice retaining much of its character. She can sustain it; sing melisma with it; and apply healthy sounding textural adornments (such as grunts and growls). The head voice is perhaps the most multifaceted part of the instrument. It can used with a light and airy, falsetto-esque timbre that is easy to harmonize; with a resonant and piercing ring [Emotions Live]; or be operatic, full and controlled. All are used sensitively and sympathetically with the production in which they are housed. Vocal Bad: Voice can become shrill when belted higher notes are used minus the vibrato. The voice loses some clarity in lower notes in live settings, while Beyoncé has become reliant on growling her upper belts recently.

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