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[Vocal Rank] Ariana Grande

Vocal Profile: Ariana Grande

Vocal Type: Soprano Vocal Range:4 Octaves and a semitone Eb3-E7 Whistle Register:Yes Vocal Good: Agile voice that carries very little weight with it and is resonant and well supported all throughout the vocal registers. With great technique Ariana Grande is capable of singing all the way down to a Eb3 with ease, exhibiting a smoky vocal texture. The voice begins to showcase more power and character however in the upper belting and head voice registers where it finds its "ring". Ariana Grande’s chest voice is elastic and mixes well almost never exhibiting strain or fatigue. The head voice is connected, light, resonant, and easily accessed- being able to seamlessly blend into a head note from chest voice. Vocal Bad: Chest notes, although executed with great technique, lack the resonance that the rest of the voice shines with.Her whistle register has a lack of control. Her slightly nasal and feminine tone is also polarizing. Her diction is unpolished, leaving her lyrics incomprehensible at points (see the bridge of Break Free) due to tongue tension. Grande also over activates muscles in her jaw - mostly while singing runs - furthering this tongue tension, which in turn changes the positioning of the larynx. Intonation live has proven to be a problem at points, and the lower register sounds unsupported in most instances. Her support is also inconsistent, ranging from around G3-C#5, above C5/C#5 she raises her larynx.

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