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[Vocal Rank] Adele

[Vocal Profile] Adele

Vocal Type: Mezzo-soprano Vocal Range: 2 octaves and 3 notes (C3- F5) Whistle Register: No Vocal Good: Adele's only strength comes from her delivery and adherence to melody, rather than tricks or vocal gymnastics. Though able to hold notes, sing melisma, and jump octaves, she chooses to employ a simple, blues vocal styling that keeps the understandability of her lyrics at the front. Adele's lower range is dark and solid. She appears to be comfortable enough here, being able to replicate notes hit in the studio when in a live setting Adele's midrange is feminine, sweet and of medium weight. With an easy and effortless quality, it is the part of the range that is most lyrical. It is also emotively versatile, with the Diva being able to inject a number of emotions into her delivery. For instance, Rumour Has It is direct and tinged with attitude; Make you Feel My Love is soft and forlorn; while Rolling in the Deep is clear and cool in its proud spite. The lower part of Adele's belting range is clear and bright, with a significant weight and resonance to it. It has an earthy and almost cumbersome quality. Laced with an edge, there is detectable, coarseness at times . As she climbs to higher, fifth octave, notes, she can carry weight and the edge if she pushes and pulls her chest voice. A healthier technique is possible via mixing, but it comes at the expense of the weight and "soulful" timbre. Knowing how to effectively balance her head voice, Adele can alter the tone to create different timbres here. The most unusual being a tenuously balanced chest/head mix that is reminiscent of jazz singers. However, favoured by the Diva - especially in a live setting- is a timbre that is shed of weight and falsetto-esque in its softness . She is unusually nimble in both styles, though the former carries more weight and better dynamics. Vocal Bad: Questionable technique is used to achieve the fuller sounding belts, as well as the soulful grunts and growls she sometimes uses.

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