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[Vocal Rank] Aaliyah

[Vocal Profile] Aaliyah

Voice Type: Light Lyric Soprano Voice Range: G2-E6 (3 Octaves 5 Note ) Whistle Register: No Vocal Good: She possessed a remarkably smooth and seductive tone that carried through much of the range. Never considered a "powerhouse" vocalist, the strength in this voice lay in the texture, phrasing and canny use of the different registers to impress. Aaliyah possessed a solid lower range that was dark and warm. Slightly smokey, the voice was always well supported here, resulting in a sound that was clear, strong and free from the fogginess many Diva's suffer at the bottom of their voice. The smokey, hazy character followed through into Aaliyah's easy mid-range. Here the voice was equally weighty, though less so the higher the voice climbed, and was sweeter and more gentle than the lower range. As with its lower and higher counterparts, notes produced here had an intrinsic character that made a vocal immediately attributable to the Aaliyah. Though not known for her belting range, Aaliyah did have the ability to hit notes in the the fifth octave in a belting style. However this came at the expense of the voice's buttery and moist tone, sounding pulled and more colorless as the placement shifted to the nasal cavity. The head voice was accessed easily by the singer and it had a beautifully lush ring to it. She often used it, flipping quickly and dextrously to it mid-phrase and from other parts of the range, for artistic effect. Here the voice shared the sweet and slight airiness of the mid-range, with the tone produced being somewhat akin to that of a cross between a falsetto and a head tone- having the timbre of a falsetto but with the increased dynamic control found in the head voice. Her ability to sing melisma in this part of the range only served to highlight the freedom and ease she had here. Due to the airy and gentle quality found throughout the voice it lent itself to being layered, creating luxurious and humid harmonies. Not only did it stack beautifully with itself, creating a sound that didn't become heavy or cumbersome, but it worked well with other voices too. Vocal Bad: Her belting range was at complete odds with the rest of the voice.

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